4 mokeys

4 mokeys
@ da beach

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Do No Harm

YES, I so agree with this meme someone posted on Facebook today! I always say when a teenager acts rebellious and disrespectful to her parents it's because she is probably returning the favor of how she was treated as a child. I'm sure there are exceptions, but it is what I have observed for the most part.  Then the parents are clueless wondering what went wrong because they think they did good raising their child with harsh punishments and spankings. Many even think that they should have spanked and punished more! They never realize that the moment they violated the child's human rights to respect and dignity that the trust was broken between them and their child and the child will inevitably would grow to disrespect them and reject their rules because children do as it is done to them. But when a child is raised with respect and dignity the relationship between parent and child becomes stronger and one of trust and mutual respect and that bond goes on to teenagehood and beyond! I know because I have a pre-teen and since we began raising her with respect she has treated us with respect. I see no trace of the problems that the strict parents I know have with their pre-teens or teens. It seems like such common sense but somehow people do not stop to rethink the way they parent even though for many generations it has been shown not to work!

Do to others as you would have them do to you."~ Jesus Christ (Luke 6:31)

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