Life has been a roller coaster since August but God has been faithful and all loving as always to us. Two weeks after we had to leave the in-laws house Nick found the best job he's ever had. It comes with so many opportunities for us for now and the future!
About a month and a half after that we found a cute little house in Parker, AZ just a block away from the Colorado river.
I have been a bit stressed out with the kids though. I think all the chaos has hit me in the past couple of weeks and I feel very tired and that makes me more impatient and irritable. I really don't have a reason to not be full joy. I know that I also need to get back to more Bible reading and study also get into some sort of fellowship, not just for me but for the kids and Nick as well.
The relationship with the in-laws is on a healing path. I must admit that I've been reluctant to even communicate with them, but as any Christian knows ignoring the Holy Spirit is all but the hardest thing in the world to do! In my humanness I preferred to get rid of all toxic people in my life for good, but the Lord's plans and higher than mine and perfectly good and He won't give me peace until I obey His command to love even my enemies. Peace does come after obeying Him, even when my flesh resists. I still have some healing to do but I give it to the Lord because I know He will finish His good work in me.
Life is good right now. I feel as if it will only get better. Of course, with the Lord no matter what happens our joy is eternal will surpass any circumstance!
Thank you my precious Jesus!