I've been praying for the Lord to bless us with more babies. I've even thought about how awesome it would be to have twins! Yes, I know what some people would think and say if I told them this. But the Lord has shown me what true blessings and treasures children are and how no where in the Bible does God say we should be the ones to control the number of children we ought to have. Oh, I know how radical that sounds in our culture, even amongst the most conservative of Christians. Yet, as I've been seeking the Scriptures for answers regarding this subject all I see are verse on how children are an inheritance from the Lord and that HE is the one who opens and closes the womb. Any verses that have to do with not having children say that it is a curse to be barren and it condemns people who try to stop life from happening when a man and a woman "lay" together. God's command to wives and husbands to be fruitful and multiply is made quite clear throughout the entire Bible, including the New Testament.
That is the conviction that the Lord has been putting in my heart lately. It even goes against what I've believed all along, so I know it cannot be coming from me. As recently as a year ago I was trying to convince Nick to get a vasectomy. I felt we were so done having kids. Yet, just in this past year the Lord has led me to a new (but not so new) way of seeing who He is and His will for our family!