Today is Isabella's 6th birthday, yay!!!! We feel like we are the most blessed and happiest parents in the world because she is in our lives. Thank you Lord for our precious little one!
The kids are excited about the days events bcause every birthday is a fun one for everyone! Our plans are Chuck-e-Cheese, the store to buy gifts and the cake, then we come back here and celebrate more at home. My Isabella chose to get a swing set and a train set (that she said she will share with her brother). She is one of the sweetest most unselfish people I know. For Christmas my mom got her a kit to make stuffed animals and she gave all the stuffed animals she made to her siblings. I love my baby!
My Rosie got ill today just from thinking about bacon, so she said. I think she just has a bug. She rested a while before breakfast. Poor baby.
Nicky requested that I print him out a "Prince of God Chart" like his sisters have (the girls' charts are called "Princess Charts"). It's a way for me to encourage them to act like "royalty" (1 Peter 2:9) of God. So before breakfast I printed his out and he already earned 3 check marks for helping me throw away dirty diapers and for doing it joyfully with out complaining.
Later Nicky helped me cook "chorizo con huevos". Lately he's been my little sous chef helping me crack eggs, measure ingredients, mix them up, etc. He's such a good little man!
Isabella played computer for a while I fed the other kids. After breakfast Rosie found a rainbow on the carpet because the glass table acted as a purism as the sunlight from the window shone through. So we had a discussion about the subject of light and prisms and such.
I'll write more about how the day goes later tonight.