4 mokeys

4 mokeys
@ da beach

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pictures of Public Humiliation Of Children

I'm so sick of seeing people posting pictures of children being publicly shamed by holding signs or being forced to wear some stupid "get along" shirt with their siblings. Publicly humiliating a child as punishment for committing an undesired behavior does not make him ashamed of what he did, it only makes him ashamed of what is being done TO him! There is a BIG difference. 
Many times we see victims feeling ashamed after being violated in some way when it is not their fault that they were victimized. THAT is the humiliation those children are feeling. They are not learning that their behavior is wrong, they are learning that if you have more power than someone you can humiliate them in order to manipulate them. And we wonder why people in our society are so callused and cruel to each each other. 
Newsflash: those siblings are NOT learning to get along just because parents force them to wear that "get along" shirt together. They are learning to associate misery and humiliation to being with their sibling besides learning that the bigger and more powerful person wins! Worst of all, they are building up anger and resentment toward their parents. Even if some of those children as adults deal with those feelings by excusing their parents because it was done out of "love". Chances are they will grow up to do the same type of manipulation not only to their own children but to other people like their co-workers or their spouses. 

Being a parent is the toughest job in the world, there is no question of it. I think most parents are doing the best they can with what they know. It's time that we learn better ways of teaching our children to be the kind of human beings we want them to be. It begins first by being an example to them of what that is by the way we treat them!