My heart swells with exitment at the thought of the potential that my dream of going RVing with my clan will finally come true! Hubby and I have been discussing it for several years, but lately the discussions have been more of plans and not just dreams. It began a couple of weeks ago with him thinking that there could be a chance for him to get a promotion at work. He has been sacrificing so much of his time including time with us and working crazy hard and long hours for that company so when the general manager quit he figured he was next in line for that position. Well, long story short it seems his superiors (or slave owners as we so lovingly like to call them) have over looked him and have given the promotion to someone else from another store. Even though this company is not his dream job it was a disapointment when he realised he would not be getting that promotiomn we feel he so greatly deserves. But we believe when God allows a door to close it means that it was the wrong exit so we need to let him lead us to the right one!
Well, after I had a good cry in the shower from the frustration that thes people did not recognise his hard work and from disapontment of loosing the higher income that the promotion wuld have given us I realised that in truth I have been praying for us to get our freedom back that we had when he used to have his own business. The more I thought about it the more I remember our original dream of traveling the country as a family! I talked with hubby about it the other day and today he was telling me about some RVs for sale he found online. The wonder of what adventures could be if God grants us the ability to take off and see the coultry have completly eclipsed any disapointment from hubby not getting promoted. In fact I am already greaful for what is to come! Even if it isn't an RVing life, I know it will be good. Better than what we could imagine! :)